So, my friend Meaghan just announced that she is having a baby! And I'm so happy for her and Chris. Send some love their way if you haven't already.
And I wanted to clear something up from my last post, because this is my blog and I want only fresh air 'round these parts. I am completely OK with being single, as in boyfriend-less, and without children. Being around a bunch of married, pregnant ladies my age just made me feel strangely out of place, though not wanting to be in their place. I really appreciate the encouraging comments, but I want everyone to know I am A-OK.
So, now that business is taken care of, I want to demonstrate even further my happiness with the babies surrounding my life. I mean, with both sisters pregnant, my older sister's final baby shower tomorrow, Meaghan's announcement, my cousin's new baby and all the other pregnant women surrounding me, I could sink into a bitter stupor, but instead I shall post a photo and a link. The photo being the gorgeousness that is my very pregnant, older sister, Steph, and the link being your way of contacting the photographer, Brandelyn Shirley. Because she kicks ass. No, seriously, she is one of the best photographers I know, and I know many. Comes with the PR job. Also, I've known Brandy since college, and I just think she's swell.
Click here to view Steph's photoshoot.
Click here to view the blog of one of the Atlanta area's best photographers.
Click here to view the website of one of the Atlanta area's best photographers.
Books Read in Nov-Dec 2021
3 years ago
For the record, I already knew you were A-OK, missy! I can see how being in a group of all those people would just be weird. I've been there, and there are usually questions that make you feel even more uncomfortable.
Your sister is ALMOST as beautiful as you are, and the photographer is amazing! What's with all the gorgeous pregnant women on that site? I hope I look that good, but I'll be surprised...
Hello my adorable cousin! Looks like life is treating you and your sisters fabulously!!! Enjoy your new nieces and give everyone big hugs from me. Been busy up here with Joe, who is now 4 months old. Where does the time go? When are you coming up to MN? Check out our blog, doesn't get updated too often, but Kyle is pretty good about keeping the flickr pages updated as we have the most photographed baby ever. Love you lots! Your favorite cousin, Chris
Your sister looks lovely!!!
I went to check out the other photos, and the last one, the black and white one of her looking down, is absolutely beautiful.
What a wonderful family you have. I am so excited for the babies in your life!!!!!
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