This was actually easier to write than the first '100 things about me' on my old blog. Um, enjoy?
1- My favorite comedians are Mitch Hedberg (RIP), Ricky Gervais and Steve Hofstetter.
2- In the last four months I have lost 27 lbs and gone from a size 10 to a size 4.
3- I am running in a 5k this weekend.
4- I have a friend who constantly asks me when I will find him a classy girl.
5- My favorite beer is Blue Moon.
6- Though I’ve never been super keen on having a wedding, if I do have one I know who I would ask to be my bridesmaids.
7- Apparently I forgot to cash my 2006 tax refund and the IRS actually contacted me to reissue the check about a month ago. It was a great surprise bonus!
8- I have my Master’s degree in Media & Cultural Studies from the University of Sussex in England.
9- I lived in Brighton, England for 14 months.
10- I hated tomatoes for 27 years but have recently begun to like them.
11- No such luck with olives.
12- My current restaurant favorite is La Parilla’s Enchiladas de Cerdo (pork enchiladas).
13- My best friend, Kari, lives in Lyon, France with her husband, Jonathan. I miss her terribly. If you haven’t visited her blog you totally should.
14- Having nieces - Ava and Nola - has made me really want children for the first time in my life.
15- My favorite coffee flavor is German Chocolate Cake from Barnie’s Coffee & Tea Company. Thanks to Kole’s parents for the introduction!
16- Last weekend I made Roasted Chicken with Goat Cheese-Macadamia Nut Crust and Sun dried tomato and basil couscous with toasted macadamia nuts and balsamic vinegar (I highly recommend this one!).
17- Autumn is my favorite season for many, many reasons, including sweater weather, changing leaves, s’mores on an open fire and Kole’s seasonal decorations.
18- Kole and I both have a ridiculous love affair with coats/jackets.
19- I am a very optimistic person.
20- But I still can’t believe I will ever get married.
21- I bought a pink iPod almost two months ago, and I still haven’t used it.
22- I still haven’t seen Juno.
23- I’m going to Scottsdale, Arizona in 2.5 weeks.
24- It will be my first college football game and tailgate.
25- I am a Steelers fan.
26- I have only been truly hung-over once in my life.
27- I quit drinking milk four months ago and while I miss it, I feel much better physically.
28- But then again, I also quit drinking sodas four months ago, so maybe it’s the combination of the two.
29- I’m afraid I won’t finish the half-marathon that I have been training months for.
30- I average going to comedy clubs about twice a month.
31- I really enjoy knitting, but I have only completed one project since learning how to do it eight months ago.
32- I volunteer teach adults English once a week. And I love it.
33- It took me four years to learn how to roll my R’s for Spanish. I learned how to roll my R’s by saying ‘pot of tea’ as fast as I could over and over in front of the mirror. I felt like a dumbass, but it totally worked.
34- My astrological sign is Pisces, but it doesn’t mean a thing to me.
35- I never thought I would want a cat until now. After living with Kole and her two kitties for almost a year, I can’t imagine not having one. But I won’t get one because my dad and older sis are allergic and I’d much rather have them around.
36- My first boyfriend’s name was Stephen. We were 12 when we ‘went out’. When I was 22, I became friends with Stephen’s older brother and it wasn’t until I was 25 that I realized Stephen was his brother. Small world.
37- I love playing board games, especially Scrabble, Payday, Scattergories and Monopoly.
38- I’m fairly good at playing Texas hold ‘em, which is funny because I have been told I have the most expressive, easily readable face.
39- My favorite perfume is Exotic Coconut from Bath and Body Works. I’m sad because I don’t believe they make the Eau de Toilette version anymore and I wear it nearly every day.
40- I really wish I could draw well.
41- I watch Food Network way too much and want to eat my way through Italy or Spain.
42- I chew gum too much.
43- I smoked my first cigarette when I was 14.
44- I don’t smoke now and I think it is a very gross habit.
45- I am extremely affectionate with people I care about. I get it from my very loving family.
46- I cannot imagine not saying/hearing ‘I love you’ to/from my immediate family every time I talk to them or see them.
47- When I was five, my older sister convinced me that Icy Hot was toothpaste and after I used it, I told my dad that my mouth felt funny. Once he figured out why I used the Icy Hot for toothpaste, Steph got in very big trouble.
48- This is the same sister who told my parents that I said the word ‘crap’ when I was about seven because she wanted to see how much trouble I would get into. I didn’t even know what the word was back then and yes, I got into big trouble. Thanks, Steph, and Dad, are you reading this?
49- I love being surprised.
50- My favorite flowers are tulips.
51- I have a long list of TV shows that I would like to watch but don’t think I’ll ever get around to seeing. I’d rather read.
52- I don’t really like texting, though it seems to be many of my friends’ preferred method of communication.
53- I’m a heavy sleeper except when I have to be somewhere early in the morning, and then I will wake up at the drop of a pin.
54- I get so excited about events/people that I can’t sleep. This happens a lot.
55- When I yell and cheer by myself in the stands at sports' games I don’t feel foolish in the slightest.
56- I wish I had known my grandma and grandpa on my dad’s side better. They both passed away a few years ago and I think about them a lot.
57- When I was growing up, I wanted to be a nurse, a lawyer and the first female president of the United States. Not particularly in that order.
58- Instead I work in public relations.
59- My boss is one of my best friends.
60- My favorite drink is now a vodka tonic on the rocks with lime.
61- I love the sound of a rustling newspaper.
62- I really enjoy doing crossword puzzles.
63- And coloring. (Yes, at the age of 27. It’s very relaxing. You should try it.)
64- I think TV programs on eating disorders help perpetuate the problem. And I say this from the perspective of a recovering anorexic.
65- But strangely, I love buffets, and will choose Golden Corral for special occasions.
66- I love grocery shopping and will spend hours in natural food stores like Whole Foods Market.
67- I have fallen in love with wine.
68- I miss living in England but I will never move back.
69- I love musicals!
70- My favorite musical is Wicked.
71- I think Hal’s is the best steak restaurant in Atlanta.
72- My favorite piece of meat is a filet, medium rare.
73- I think bison burgers taste better than cow burgers.
74- One of my biggest food weaknesses is Cold Stone Creamery’s Peanut Butter Cup Perfection with added brownie.
75- I would like to be cremated when I pass away.
76- The closest I’ve been to a television celebrity is having Ben Savage (of ‘Boy Meets World’ fame) sit in front of me at Disney World.
77- I really want a baby grand piano and that is at the top of my ‘to-buy’ list should I ever become rich.
78- I eat oatmeal almost every day for breakfast.
79- I go to IHOP or other breakfast restaurant almost every weekend.
80- I think I make really great coffee but I’m sure many people would disagree.
81- I really want to go bungee jumping and sky diving but am afraid I never will.
82- I don’t like having my picture taken, but don’t want to miss out on having the memories ‘immortalized’.
83- I am a bad liar except when I absolutely have to be one. And don’t ask when I have to be one.
84- I cry very easily at movies. It can be ridiculous.
85- I think peanut butter and corn syrup sandwiches are amazing.
86- Even though I haven’t worn a watch in more than a year, I still look down at my wrist when I want to know the time.
87- One of my ultimate goals in life is to write and have a book published. And it will most likely be science fiction.
88- If I have a daughter, I would like to name her Lillian Grace. Lillian was the name of my dear aunt who passed away recently.
89- I really enjoy going to concerts, but I would rather sit than stand with the crowd.
90- I used to collect teddy bears, and my possible children will inherit a huge collection.
91- I named all my stuffed animals after the people who gave them to me and I still remember every single name.
92- I have been in a grand total of three car accidents; two of which I was the driver and none of which were my fault. Well, unless you blame my car hydroplaning on me.
93- I would drink coffee all day if there weren’t caffeine-related consequences.
94- I’ve had the same car since I was a senior in high school. And her name is Bessie.
95- I wash my hands incessantly and it’s typically the first thing I do when I go to a restaurant.
96- I usually sleep on my back.
97- I don’t usually move once I have fallen asleep, and I have been told that I am dead quiet.
98- I started ‘going grey’ when I was 17. My head’s version of going grey is curly, white hair. Yeesh.
99- I am not a violent person, but when I was 17 and went to see Titanic with my high school sweetheart, I punched him hard for laughing during the drowning scene. Because if I hadn’t, every girl in the theatre would have done it for me afterwards.
100- I’ve only driven a stick-shift a couple of times about eight years ago and since then I have told myself to practice driving one again in case of an emergency. It still hasn’t happened.
OK. Now I am completely sick of me.
Books Read in Nov-Dec 2021
3 years ago
I wish I had known our grandparents better as well...
love you!
Whew, I'm exhausted!
I love this one just as much as I loved your last hundred. It may inspire me to do another as well...
Although, this one has made me hungry (despite the fact that it's after 2am!)
I love these! And that is awesome about the 27 lbs, you need to tell me how you did it!
Fried okra a substitute for edamame? Boy do I miss the South!
I feel like I learned so much about you, and yet, I feel like I already knew so much of this. Two thoughts: Going without milk is a sin, and I can't wait to sleep on my back again.
Oh, and one more: You'll make a great wife, and you have plenty of time if you do decide to get married!
I can't believe you are going to a UGA game....sigh. But at least you are going to be a Steelers fan. Better buy a terrible towel!
So many accomplishments this year, that's awesome! I met your Mummum, she was a wonderful lady. She is missed.
And since we've traded book lists back and forth, I'm facinated that you feel that you would author a Sci-Fi book if you chose to write. I think that's pretty cool ;P
Such a lot of things! For some reason I'm always in awe when people can write 100 things about themselves -- I think it's because I tend to get stuck around number 10 or so. :)
I hate raw tomatoes and vow I will NEVER like them!! :)
I thought the same as Kari: Fried okra is quite a substitute for edamame --- albeit an improvement in my opinion.
Spanish was my minor in college, but I cannot figure out how saying "pot of tea" taught you to roll your Rs. Well, I guess that's why I was good on paper and not in conversation.
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